Thank You for your service Thank You for your service Thank You for your service Thank You for your service Thank You for your service Thank You for your service Thank You for your service Thank You for your service Thank You for your service Thank You for your service Thank You for your service Thank You for your service Thank You for your service Thank You for your service Thank You for your service Thank You for your service Thank You for your service Thank You for your service Thank You for your service Thank You for your service Thank You for your service Thank You for your service Thank You for your service Thank You for your service Thank You for your service Thank You for your service Thank You for your service Thank You for your service Thank You for your service Thank You for your service Thank You for your service Thank You for your service Thank You for your service Thank You for your service Thank You for your service Thank You for your service Thank You for your service Thank You for your service Thank You for your service Thank You for your service Thank You for your service Thank You for your service Thank You for your service Thank You for your service Thank You for your service Thank You for your service Thank You for your service Thank You for your service Thank You for your service Thank You for your service Thank You for your service Thank You for your service Thank You for your service Thank You for your service Thank You for your service Thank You for your service Thank You for your service Thank You for your service Thank You for your service Thank You for your service
November is Veteran Appreciation Month
November is Veteran Appreciation MonthNovember is Veteran Appreciation MonthNovember is Veteran Appreciation MonthNovember is Veteran Appreciation Month
We will be featuring a different Veteran every few days to thank them.
November is Veteran Appreciation MonthNovember is Veteran Appreciation MonthNovember is Veteran Appreciation MonthNovember is Veteran Appreciation Month
We will be featuring a different Veteran every few days to thank them.
You can also pick up a special price with a bundle package that includes both books in the sequel.
"A Kinder-Garden of Wisdom:
In the Beginning and Hop Days"
Purchase the bundle for $15
(A savings of $9)
Have a great week.
Virginia Mohler
New Release: "Kinder-Garden of Wisdom: Hop Days"
New Release: "Kinder-Garden of Wisdom: Hop Days"
Virginia is tutoring to help prepare children for the school year. Our children mustn't slide backward. Virginia not only keeps them from regressing but also gives them some of the skills they will need for their
Call for more information:
Please leave a message, as we do not answer the phone during tutoring times.
November Specials
New Release: "Kinder-Garden of Wisdom: Hop Days"
November Specials
October Book Specials include our book bundles:
Bundle an exclusive handmade Mrs. Miller's Magic Blanket along with either the paperback or hard cover book for more savings.
Bundle "Good Steps Goes to Washington" and "Washington DC: Fun Facts and Trivia Questions for $15.
BOGO Special
"Washington D.C.: Fun Facts and Trivia Questions" free
October Book Specials include our book bundles:
Bundle an exclusive handmade Mrs. Miller's Magic Blanket along with either the paperback or hard cover book for more savings.
Bundle "Good Steps Goes to Washington" and "Washington DC: Fun Facts and Trivia Questions for $15.
BOGO Special
"Washington D.C.: Fun Facts and Trivia Questions" free when you purchase "Good Steps Goes to Washington " at regular price. $15
Live in Mesa? Use Promo "pickuplocal" for free shipping.
Learn the true history of Washington, DC, and its symbolism. "Washington DC: Fun Facts and Trivia Questions" now available .
New Release now available, "A Kinder-Garden of Wisdom: Hop Days". A great book for adults with short stories and quips about kindergarten classroom mishaps.